Left 4 Dead PC Free Download Direct Link


Left 4 Dead (abbreviated as L4D ) is a video game first person shooter type FPS . It was developed by Turtle Rock Studios,company bought by Valve Software during development. The game uses the graphics engine Valve Source and is available for Microsoft Windows , Mac OS X , Linux and the console Xbox 360 . Game development was completed on 13 as November 2008 and two versions of the game were launched: a downloadable digital version, released the 17 as November 2008; and included on a disk version, available on November 18 in the US and Latin America and 21 of the same month in Europe and Japan .

Located after a pandemic apocalyptic , video game plot faces the four protagonists -called the “superviventes” – against hordes of infected. The game has four modes: one mode for a single player where other characters are controlled by the computer (mode only); a mode for four players with cooperative campaigns (co – op); a mode for eight players (Confrontation Mode); and a survival mode for four players (Survival Mode).

Left 4 Dead received good reviews from specialized media since its release, with praise for their changes in repetitions, focusing on cooperative play and experience similar to that of movies. The game won several awards from publications such as the distinctions of the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences and the British Academy of Arts of Film and Television . As Team Fortress 2 , Valve added downloadable content as DLC . In April 2009, the “Survival Pack” in which all campaigns were condensed in certain areas to play in the “Survival” mode was created. In addition a new campaign that develops a beacon (only for this mode) was included. On September 29 the same year, a new campaign called “Crash Course” was released for PC and Xbox 360 .

The success of the game earned him a sequel, Left 4 Dead 2 , which was launched on November 17, 2009, and later for Mac OS X via Steam the 5 as October 2010, while the original was released for Mac 28 March. The Mac version of Left 4 Dead 2 incorporated a new map for Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 called “The Sacrifice”. Finally all campaigns Left 4 Dead were ported to Left 4 Dead 2 and cross – platform support between permitted versions Windows , Mac and Linux.

The game has four modes: Single player (single player), the Cooperative (can play online with other players), the Versus (enables the player in the role of an infected) and Survival (where the target it is only survive as long as possible).

History has six seasons, (4 and 2 and including downloadable) each divided into five chapters (except Crash Course and The Sacrifice , which are divided into chapters 2 and 3 respectively.). At the end of each chapter we find a shelter with arms, ammunition, explosives and equipment healing. In the last chapter of each campaign, the player must confront the last massive waves of zombies for five or ten minutes to be rescued: is called Climax .

The single point of control of the game is called shelter, which is accessed only at the end of each chapter (except the last where the level ends). This is usually a shielded and reduced (an abandoned railway car, a small office, the roof of a house, etc ..) space, with doors strong enough to protect survivors of those infected. In them the player can reabastecerce with medical kits, infinite ammunition and various weapons. There are usually no pills, bombs or Molotov cocktails inside. To start a campaign, the first refuge arriving players to complete the first level, will become the place where they appear at the beginning of the second level, and so on. Shelters were armed by others to protect themselves when the zombie apocalypse broke out. This is known because there are traces of human activity within them: food scraps, kitchen utensils and various, and possibly most interesting inscriptions on the walls. It is seen that people who lived in these shelters are indirectly communicated with other survivors through messages on the walls. A player can return to the shelter many times as desired during the game if you want resupply of ammunition or change weapons. However, once he unlocked the gate, the shelter is no longer shielded, and infected can sneak inside. By the refuge of the end of the level, the player must close the door to finish the mission. The symbol indicating the proximity of a refuge is a house with a cross inside, and is usually painted on a wall somewhere in the level, with an arrow pointing to its location. If a player dies in the middle of a level always reappear in the shelter home.

However, the main feature that has Left 4 Dead with respect to other games of the same subject, is its advanced artificial intelligence dubbed AI director , which is responsible for regulating the population of zombies and certain special infected, weapons and appearance of healing teams according to the state of health of the players.

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Left 4 Dead Screenshots

Left 4 Dead System Requirements

Operating System: Windows Vista, Vista 64, XP,

CPU: 3.0GHz P4, Dual Core 2.0 or AMD64X2 (or higher)

Graphics: GeForce 6600 or AMD Radeon 9500

RAM: 1 GB for XP / 2 GB for Vista

Hard Drive: 7.5 GB of free space

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Game Size = 919 MB

Game RAR Password = www.pcgamespunch.com

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