Arx Fatalis Free Download Direct Links


Arx Fatalis is a video game of adventure in first person view interspersed with elements RPG , developed by Arkane Studios , released on PC in 2002 . The game was then brought on Xbox . This is the first game from the studio French .

On a planet where all the inhabitants are forced to flee the area and live in underground following the death of the sun, the player is a man called Am Shagar, “He who has no name.” He begins the game almost naked, in prison, with a bone as a weapon and the empty head of all memory. It includes soon it was sent by the gods to counter the invocation of Akbaa evil, and should contact the individual who got wind of the future invocation and asked sending Am Shagar ; but this individual was murdered during the call for help … In parallel to the main story, Am Shagar will also unravel an old story about the old murder of the queen and the kidnapping of his daughter a mysterious group of rebels which no.

Arx Fatalis is a game of adventure and role in the first person that takes place in an exclusively underground environment, consisting of several levels of depth occupied by different races of Arx, namely humans , the trolls , the goblins , male rats or snakes women.

This special atmosphere is enhanced by a large number of realistic elements such as managing hunger and the ability to make logical way objects by combining other. It is possible for example to make bread with flour and water and then cook over a campfire, also possible to practice alchemy, using a pestle for crushing plants such as fern .

The magic system is rather original as it works with runes that the player himself must draw using his mouse to cast spells (in the manner of Black and White ). To use a rune, the player must first find one of the copies scattered throughout the game.

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Arx Fatalis System Requirements

900 MHz Pentium ® III or compatible, 256 MB RAM , DirectX 8 or higher, DirectX 8 compatible sound- and graphics card with 32MB, 750 MB fixed disks

Game Size = 522 MB

Game RAR Password =

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